Minutes after they sat down in the Oval Office, Stammer handed Trump a hand-signed letter and said, “This is really special.” This has never occurred before. This has never happened before.
“This is really historic.”
Trump’s first state visit to the UK was hosted by the late Queen Elizabeth II in 2019, and the letter in question invited him to return for his historic second state visit.
“I can only say that it would be … pleasure to extend that invitation once again, in the hope that you … some stage be visiting Turn berry and a detour to a relatively near neighbor might not cause you too much inconvenience,” the letter says, partially obscured by Trump’s hand. You could also go to Balmoral as an alternative.
“There are a lot of things on both estates that I think you might find interesting and enjoy, especially since my foundation at Dumfries House trains young people in hospitality skills who frequently work as employees in your own establishments!”
The letter goes on to say: “Aside from providing a chance to talk about a variety of topics of shared interest, it would also be a great opportunity to organize a historic second state visit to the United Kingdom.
As you are aware, this is the first time a US president has done this. For this reason, I think it would be beneficial if we could talk about a variety of options for the program’s location and content.
“I am confident that by doing this and cooperating, we will strengthen the unique bond between our two nations, of which we are both extremely proud.”
The king hand-signed the letter, which read, “Yours Most Sincerely, Charles.”
That is a tremendous honor. In response, Trump accepted the King’s invitation, making him the only elected political figure in contemporary history to receive two state visits from a British monarch. “And that says at Windsor – that’s really something,” Trump said.
“He’s a beautiful man, a wonderful man – I’ve gotten to know him very well, actually, first term and now second term,” Trump said, clearly enamored with Charles after receiving the invitation.
We’ve been acquainted for a short time. This is not the first time we have met. He adores his nation. So, that’s what we have in common. He adores his nation. I also adore our nation.
“And we also have two countries that have gotten along for the longest period of time,” the 78-year-old Republican continued. The most important ally on both sides. We have a long history together, dating back hundreds of years, but we also have France, Australia, and many other good countries.